Thursday, June 17, 2010

Just thinkin'...

While sitting here uploading pix to have printed for our dossier, I was thinking about our children in Ethiopia.
I was thinking about...

-how I just can't wait to meet them, to see their faces in person for the first time and to kiss their sweet little cheeks.

-how I look forward to finding out just a few of the innumerable ways God has coordinated all the miraculous circumstances over the course of their lifetimes and ours (and even before) so that He could bring us together at just the right time.

-how we'll love them more than we know them - simply because God gave them to us and because He has placed that love in our hearts for them.

Oh, how I pray that God is preparing their hearts to become a part of our family as He prepares ours to welcome them into their new - and forever! - home. 

And I just kind of feel like today has been an important day for them somehow.  (I know that sounds kind of crazy - and maybe it is - but...)

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