Tuesday, September 28, 2010

‎"The King will reply,
'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for
one of the least of these brothers of mine,
you did for me.'"
Matthew 25:40

Thursday, September 16, 2010

"While we're waiting" family photos

Our friend Elaine Howe took some family photos for us to document our "wait" for our new ones to come home.  I think they turned out great!  And this wasn't some elaborate photo shoot, either.  Elaine met us on the church playground before church last Wednesday night to take our pics.  It was about 4:45 in the afternoon, and it was HOT!  In fact, the playground was free for us to do our shoot only because it was too hot for the day care kids to go out to play that day.  We were sweating like crazy, but Elaine was great and got it all finished up before all we spontaeously combusted.  She's awesome! 

(Between shots - the way we "really" are!)

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Where's the beef?

I know it's been a while since I posted anything of substance here on the blog. It's all been sort of on the "lite" side lately. (Wii family portrait, etc!)  It's not that I don't have anything going on, it's just that I've been so busy that I haven't had time to sit and put it into words.  God has been teaching me MANY things lately.  So many that I feel like my head and my heart are going to explode.

On top of that, I have been running around like a crazy woman doing "stuff".  Home school, home school co-op, robotics, church stuff, buying groceries, cooking said groceries, soccer practice, dance, piano, more soccer practice, soccer games, taking kids to "do stuff" with friends, laundry, leading a ladies' Bible study at church, etc.  Every single thing seems to eat up more time than it should, and the list feels like nothing ever really gets checked off. I feel like I am moving in slow motion no matter how hard I try, and I always feel like I'm behind - and getting more and more behind every hour of the day.

I guess I need some "margin" in my life right now.  I usually don't have a problem making sure that happens, but lately I feel like I am fighting a losing battle. I'm pretty much to that point of having so much to do that I become paralyzed by the thought of it all so I basically end up getting nothing done.

However, on top of all that other stuff I've been doing, I did take some time to read an awesome book over the last few days, and I'll be posting about it soon - another MUST read.  I am so glad I put some things on hold in order to read it.  It was worth it. 

(Soon I hope to get around to posting some of the things God has been teaching me, but at this moment I really am behind and must get up, get this disgusting kitchen cleaned up, and make sure everyone has clothes to wear to church tomorrow!)

Monday, September 6, 2010

Pierce family "portrait"

Here's the latest Pierce family portrait...

Ha ha ha ha ha!

(Soon... soon we'll be able to post their real pics!  Can't wait!)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Monthly update came today!

Every month in which we do not travel (for court date or "gotcha" day), we can submit 5 questions to have answered about our kids.  Today we received our first update.

Here are just a few of the things they said...

About our boy:
"He is active and fast learner; he can count numbers both in Amharic and English, he also can read alphabets"
"He is an outdoor game fun; he enjoys playing soccer and all other games"
"...said he wants to be a medical doctor"

About our girl:
"She can read and write numbers from 1-10 and can read few English alphabets"
"She is good in singing and she enjoys it too"
"She loves to sing spiritual songs"


We also got some new pictures (wish I could show them!).  Just can't wait to give them lots of hugs and kisses!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Here are some reasons why you should buy one (or more!) of our adoption T-shirts:

1) We were thrilled to get our referral after only 3 WEEKS, but it has really cut down our fundraising time.  (We're in a serious crunch here!)

2) They are really cute

3) You can always use ONE MORE T-shirt

4) You can dress like the "stylish" Pierce family

5) Chuck Norris wears one (OK, I just made that up, but I bet he would if he had one!)

6) I'll throw in a FREE wristband and tote bag with each order

7) When they are gone... they are GONE!

You can order them through our "Fundraisers" page.  (Go there now!)